Bulletin Editor
Jim Dunny
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Program for Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Our guest and speaker on Tuesday, July 17 is Rotary District 5340 2018-1019 District Governor Mel Gallegos.  He will update us on what is happening in District 5340 and his plans for the district 
Board members and officers should plan to stay after this meeting in order to meet with the DG. This is his opportunity to learn about our club and the ways in which we can collaborate with the district.
Meeting Assignments
Date Who am I Rotary Minute
July 17, 2018 Carl Kruse Trudy Armstrong
July 24, 2018 Lloyd Trilling Jeb Bakke
The member assigned to Who Am I is also responsible for providing the positive thought for the day at the beginning of the meeting. 
During the meeting the Who Am I assignment member has the task of introducing visiting Rotarians and guests.
The member assigned the Rotary Minute is also a Greeter for the day and is assigned to sell opportunity drawing tickets.

Our DG to Visit

2018-19 District 5340
DG Mel Gallegos
On July 17, Rotary District 5340 2018 - 19 District Governor Mel Gallegos will make his official club visit.  Beside giving the DG an opportunity to see our club in a meeting, the governor will address about what is happening in the district and what his goals for the district are for his year. 
Mel has been a hard working district volunteer for many years.  He and his wife have been very active in many leadership roles for many years.  Because of this Mel has first hand experience with the various activities that occur at the district.  His hands on experience should help the district connect with the various clubs in a good working relationship this year. 
DG Mel is a very approachable leader and will welcome questions you might have about Rotary District 5340.

Club News, July 9, 2018

RB Sunrise Events
July 17, 2018  Official Club Visit by 2018-2019 District 5340 District Governor Mel Gallegos. Board members should plan to stay after the meeting to meet with the DG. 
Check out the calendar on the club website to see all of the upcoming  Rotary Functions and projects listed there.  The calendar is located on the left side of the home page as well as a page accessed by the link on the tool bar at the top of the home page. 
District 5340 Events
Check out the calendar on the District 5340 website to see all of the upcoming  District 5340 events and projects listed there.  

July 2018 BIrthdays and Anniversaries

Member Birthdays   
Name  Date
Gordon Erickson  July 15
Spouse Birthdays   
Name Spouse of Date
Brittany LeBlangKlint LeBlang July 2
Randy RoseRob Weinbert July 21
NameSpouse NameYearsDate
Dale LongDorothy Long47July 2, 1971
Jean Loo-RussoJohn Russo29July 15, 1989
Greg LundKathy Marshall-Lund39July 15, 1979
Craig BrownBridgett Brown15July 19 2003
Kim VareyDan Shapiro23July 29, 1995
Date Joined Rotary   
Name YearsDate
Mark Berdan 22July 1, 1996
Rob Weinberg 14July 1, 2004
Tony Nogales 2July 5 2016
Laurie Oakland 23July 29, 1995
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