Posted on May 07, 2017
One of major areas of focus for Rotary is clean water.  Rotarians are making a difference in third world countries by sponsoring clean water projects through funding via the Rotary Foundation. An article earlier this year in Rotary Weekly tells the story about what Rotarians in Ohio are doing to address a threat to safe drinking water in their own backyard.
A Rotary club in Toledo, Ohio learned about a threat to clean water in their own community. They found out how blooms of poisonous blue-green algae threaten the western basin of Lake Erie, the source of drinking water for millions of people. They were then surprised to learn that no one was addressing the problem. 
Read more to learn how these Rotarians are leading the fight against this threat to the drinking water from Lake Erie. It is a clear example of how Rotarians make a difference in their own communities.